Tuesday, March 25, 2008

FINAL~ Fanfiction: Home and Away

Leah was beside herself. In disbelief of what she had just witnessed by the Surf Club. She was trying to piece together events, but it didn’t make sense. It was like a puzzle that wouldn’t fit together. Johnny Cooper and Sally, talking together, actually have a civil conversation. What was this world coming to? It didn’t seem right to Leah, especially considering the history between them. She had to get some answers, so she stormed off towards the caravan park right away.
“Sally! Sally!! SALLY!!” Leah screamed frantically through the front door.

“Who is it? Come in!” Sally replied with a puzzled look on her face.
“My goodness Sal, I thought you had done something stupid. Like…”
“What are you talking about Leah? I don’t understand you. I have been at home with Pippa, Cassie and Ric all day. Leah, are you alright?”
“I was certain I saw you talking to that Johnny Cooper again today. Asking him for…”
“For what, Leah? Why would I be talking to scum like him, especially after what he has done to me and my family! Do you think I am that stupid? I can believe you even would ask me such a thing!”
“Sally I’m sorry if I offended you, it was just what I saw. I didn't….”
“Save it Leah, I think you should leave. I can’t bear to look at you now.”
“Sal, you don’t mean that. I’m sorry. We need to talk about….”
“Just GO LEAH!”

“I just can’t see Sally betraying Ric and Cassie’s trust like that. Not to mention little Pippa’s trust as well.” Roman stared blankly at Leah as he responded.
“So you think I am making it up? What I saw outside the Surf Club today was my imagination? Thanks Roman!” Leah barked at him.
“Leah calm down. I’m just trying to make sense of this situation. I can’t get my head around it. So much is on my plate at the moment. I just can’t possibly….”
“You don’t think I haven’t got enough to worry about either! I got the results from my doctor today!”

“Johnny? Is that you? I told you, you shouldn’t ring the house phone. Do you want the others to find out our secret?” Sally whispered on the phone.
“Sal, who’s on the phone? Is it Matilda? ‘Cause I’m expecting a call from her tonight.” Ric queried down the hallway.
“No, it’s not Ric. It’s just Brad calling about school matters.” Sally answered anxiously.
“So that’s your pet name for me eh? Brad. I kind of like it. Anyway, I got some news from the hospital today and…”
“Johnny I’m serious, don’t call here again! I will meet you again tomorrow at the other location. And this time don’t let us get caught, Goodbye.” Sally replied angrily and she slammed down the receiver. Her heart was beating so fast and she was lucky no one was present in the room at the time, as her face expression would have revealed everything.

Dan hardly said anything all night and it was obvious to Leah something was up. She also had been carrying the burden on her shoulders for a week or so now and it was starting to really wear her down. He couldn’t go on with another sleepless night; he was mentally exhausted and told himself he had to sort the issue out with Leah once and for all.
“Leah. Leah, are you still awake.” Dan questioned her softly as he sat upright in the bed.
“No Dan. I’m having trouble sleeping. There have been a lot of things on my mind at the moment and with…”
“I know Leah. I know what has been on your mind! Why did you think you should keep this kind of secret from me?”
“What? How did you…”
“I knocked the cookie jar off the shelf by accident, while I was cooking tea this evening, and found the envelope. I just can’t believe that Johnny is your own flesh and blood. I also can’t believe you wouldn’t talk to me about it. I thought we told each other everything?”
“I know Dan. I’m so sorry.” Leah blubbered as she reached out for Dan’s warm embrace.
“It just came as such a shock when my adopted mother sent me these documents suggesting a DNA test with this stranger who turned out to be my real mother. Then finding out my mother had another child 2 years after me, Johnny Cooper.” Leah cried hysterically in disbelief, as Dan tried to calm her down.
When she settled, they sat in each others arms all night considering how their future would pan out now this horrible man was apart of their family.

Sally was having serious doubts. Doubts about what she had been planning for months. The pressure was really getting to her and she didn’t know if she could go through with it. On the other hand though, this is what all her hard work has been building up to. And she wasn’t prepared to go on living her life in fear again, that was the old Sally. Finally, after contemplating the outcomes of this for hours, she convinced herself that at this point she had no choice. It was time to change her future. Have a future where her and her family live happily together again, like it was before Johnny came into their lives. So she had to act now, act on her impulse and take care of business once and for all.
“Johnny? Is that you rustling in the bushes over there?” Sally questioned suspiciously, as she double checked that her weapon wasn’t visible.
“Yeah babe. It’s me. Gosh give me a fright! I thought you were Jack or someone.” Johnny answered carelessly.
“Is it safe to come out?”Sally cringed as those derogatory names were really starting to get to her. “Sure. I have something to show you! It’s a surprise, so close your eyes as you come out.”
“Oooh, surprise you say? Sounds interesting!”
“I bet you can’t wait. No peeping!”
“Okay. I’m coming out…”Johnny called as he emerged from the scrubs.
Then suddenly…’BANG!’
One bullet was all she needed to achieve the desired effect.
“That is for putting me and my family through hell for the last few years. Killing Rocco and then trying to kill me. I hated you for it. I can’t believe you took me seriously. Like I, of all people, would actually help you start a new life. You were dreaming. You are scum and you deserve nothing more than to rot in hell.”
“Sally…” Johnny gasped for air. “I’m truly sorry! I had changed, you changed me. But I guess you will never…” Johnny starting choking and was coughing up blood, then his body shutdown on him.
“This is the end for you Johnny. Game over. I won.” Sally yelled at his corpse. Then a rush of emotion came over her. She broke down and cried. The fight was over.
“I’m FREEEE!” she exclaimed joyfully as her arms reached out to the sky.

1 comment:

Joseph said...

I like how you’ve made two stories but maybe it could be interlinked more. Cause Leah finds out Johnny’s her brother but then he dies straight away anyways. Perhaps having Leah turn the other cheek for him last minute before Sally finishes him off, (Did she help her drug dealer brother out? Or did she end up kicking him out? You know ages ago, I can’t remember) so it would have a dramatic turn for Leah but that’s only my opinion and your way is still good.

I enjoyed the evil turn on Sally; and the sudden good change of heart for Johnny, I didn’t expect that, Sally wouldn’t hurt a fly in the TV show lol.